Thursday, October 20, 2005


Yes! I am! and I have no idea what to do about it. Anything I do becomes routine after a point. So is something wrong with me or is it just life? Tried my hand at french classes & quit that after it became 'routine'. Tried my hand at gymming & though I have not quit that, its 'just exercise'. Going to movies has become the 'weekend' routine. In fact the initial thrill of being in 'namma bengalooru' has been replaced by boredom. So much so that the same set of pals I meet with in Bangalore, go to Chennai & meet up there. As if the change in location would make life interesting. Office has always been routine. And even reading sometimes does. Here is a list of things that could happen right now that could break this routine,

1. My super-boss looking over my shoulder & taking me to task for whiling away time in writing blogs.
2. My client calling me up to offer me a million dollar deal.
3. I look out of the window & I see 'Godzilla' zipping by.
4. Somebody smokes in the cubicle, setting off the sprinkler system & we have an impromptu rain dance.
5. I get a call from ALL credit card companies offering me a 'free' credit card but which this time means I can buy anything & not have to pay back.
6. I somehow get transported into movies when i want it instead of just watching it.

What outrageous thing could happen to you at this moment that could break your routine & stay etched in your memory for life? Let me know! But me being me - I might just look out the window tomorrow, turn to my cubicle-mate & say, "Its just Godzilla".


Pradeep Kuttuva said...


How come none of things you have mentioned have no hint of a girl would definitely change my routine...enna solrey

prosaicblabber said...

dei... the problem is YOU ! and nothing else... look at the bright side... you have done things which half the continent wouldn't...

Million dollar deal !!! Yeah Right... You wish man.... CEO save the million dollar dream for our company !! enna sollare ????

NaiKutti said...

how about this: come to office only to find that internet never exists anymore :-)

btw ur (4) imprompto rain dance was good.. enna oru gult pattu potudalama?

Jerry G said...

Dey! Pradeep!rain dance is not fun without women.Anyways women, love etc will be talked abt. in later posts. tks Kartik for reading my post! Funny thing is, having uninterrupted internet with good bandwidth would certainly break the routine in my company!