Monday, March 12, 2007

My Reading Habits!

I love reading. Its something that I caught on to very early in my life. And I must say that I have read quite a bit. Its dissapointing though that television and other pursuits have eaten into this facet of my life and maybe yours too. I have been making a conscious decision though to dedicate a certain amount of my everyday life to this. Broadening the depth, content and subject of your reading, I have found most certainly adds value to your thinking, outlook and perspective to life. Its a relaxing past time like no other. I have listed below some of the books I have read in the past four years. You could perhaps have a go at some of them.


Savio Sebastian said...

wow jerry... u read a loT!!!

thanks so much for coming for bro's wedding! :D will see u on friday!

Sarah said...

Am I surprised?? Naaaaah...:D
I still remember tellin' ma dad abt this 'crazy' guy at cell who came up with an equally crazy statement on "guardin' one's heart"...and to ma surprise, ma dad goes, "Wow! I'm sure he reads a lot!"...and i'm like, "whaaaaaat?!" Hehe...

Sindhu said...

That was a good post and it's nice to know tht u read a lot. One book you should try is 'Five People You Meet in Heaven'. You will really like it.